Getting back to black and white
Don't get me wrong, I love colour! My clients usually choose me because my style tends to be "zinggy' and 'punchy " and I often manipulate colours to the max to add impact. However, it's great to get back to basics sometimes and take a monochrome view of a scene.

This photography session was such a joy to shoot. Baby Lucas was adorable, cute and all the things babies usually are but also incrediably attentive and ready to smile on cue. Editing was a chellenge, I think I only acutally deleted 20 images out of the 200+ images I took. When it came to showcasing some of my favourites for my blog, I was captivated by these selected images I'd converted to black and white.

I'm cheating of course! These are digitally enhanced images, I haven't slaved over them in the dark room like I did in the old days, but I did take my time to select, boost, add contrast, and do what I generally do in the decision process of getting to the stage of being ready to present the final images to my clients. Maybe one day, I'll get back to the old-fashioned darkroom but for now, I'll just be satisfied that I like simple stuff and I still love black and white photography.